Business Specials

Results Found: 6
We have a service for every size and style of kitchen. We take you through the entire kitchen remodeling process beginning to end.
Category: Cabinets/Specialty Mouldings
What do a cell phone, toothbrush, medical syringe, and a cup all have in common? They are all made of plastic. Plastics are essential components in our modern life. Central Community College in Columbus, Nebraska offers a 12-credit certificate in Plastics Engineering Technology, focusing on injection molding.
Category: Colleges & Universities
Join us for a series of intensive plastics training workshops. You will learn polymer science, plastic processing, machine operation, and much more. These workshops will prepare you to enter many high-paying jobs in the plastics industry or help you advance in your current career. You’ll gain exposure to potential employers with great-paying job opportunities and receive hands-on and classroom training.
Category: Colleges & Universities
Improve Quality of Life after Surviving Cancer
Category: Health Services